Insuren - the Internet Survey Engine Prerequisites: - Apache (tested with Apache 2.0.x) - Python 2.3 or higher - PyXML - PostgreSQL - PyGreSQL Installation: 1. Configure Apache. You need to tell Apache to run .py files as CGI scripts and to run CGI scripts in your directory: AddHandler cgi-script .py Options +ExecCGI Restart Apache (httpd). 2. Set the database user name in Makefile DATABASEUSER=your_user_name 3. (optional) Edit the wizard.xml file. It's quite self-explanatory, just read the comments and watch the file structure. You can use simple text editor or some more advanced XML-editor. Define your survey, add screens and data fields. Don't worry, you'll be able to change it later, so make it simple and quick. 4. Validate the file by typing make valid If you don't see any error messages, it means that XML file is valid and you can proceed. 5. Create the database by typing make database 6. Open your survey with the web browser, run the "" file. The mine survey URL looks like this: http://localhost/~maciej/insuren-0.1/ Enjoy!